The Minco Group | Core Values

We pride ourselves on forming personal connections with customers and vendors beyond superb customer service by sharing a vision and mission which represents mutual success. We connect as a unified work-family by adhering to core values that are evident in our daily work.

Our Vision

To be a world-class provider of plastic injection molds and molded part solutions as a sustainable, responsible and innovative partner with a relentless commitment to our customer’s success.

Our Mission

Success is driven by our passion to serve customers, and our commitment to continuous improvement, employee development and financial responsibility.

  1. We exhibit integrity and excellence in all that we do.
  2. We deliver on our promises.
  3. We maintain traditional values of respect and treating others as we would like to be treated.
  4. We are committed to making a consistent contribution to our customers, employees and stakeholders.
  5. We believe in sustainable and profitable performance. Growth and profitability are essential to our health and prosperity as a company.
  6. We invest in the business to enhance facilities, technical capabilities and efficiencies to the benefit of our customers and employees.

We care about our communities, environment and have respect for future generations.

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