Precision Machining
The Minco Group offers exceptional expertise in the manufacturing of precision parts and components that require an exact specification.
With our 24/7 operation and 14 high-precision CNC machines, Minco Tool and Mold partners with you on your 3D machining needs. Combined with over 60 years of knowledge and experience, Minco Tool and Mold machines 3D complex surfaces utilizing high speed mills.
Minco Tool and Mold can also perform deep hole drilling applications. We utilize one of the most versatile gun drill machines that contains 6-axis capabilities.
With our experience in machining different types of steels, non-ferrous materials, and plastic, we meet the needs of diverse industries. We currently serve a spectrum of markets, including: military, aerospace, medical, energy, automotive, appliances, consumer products, and material handling industries. We would be glad to discuss your future needs.

providing exactly what you need in your market





Ready to start?
Contact the Minco team to quote your high-precision project.